Articles (114)

The best zombie movies of all time
What is it about zombie movies that has made it horror’s most durable subgenre? Ever since Night of the Living Dead invented the modern version of the genre in 1968, the undead have risen continuously over the decades, mutating as they go – see the seemingly unkillable Walking Dead franchise, or HBO’s The Last of Us (sorry, pedants, but it’s a zombie show) for the latest example of the mythos sparking a pop culture phenomenon. Perhaps it’s because the mythology has been flexible enough to serve as allegories for real-world issues from racism to consumerism. Or maybe it’s just it feeds into deep human fears about death, disease and losing control of your own body. Or maybe it’s just all the gore. Whatever the reason, the undead refuse to die. But not all zombie movies have brains – or soul. Plenty of hacks have exploited the template to overwhelm video store shelves and streaming platforms with mindless schlock. A rarefied few, however, have found ways to twist the well-worn, post-apocalyptic formula into something wholly unique. On this list of the best zombie movies of all-time, you’ll find classics to cult faves, zom-coms to nauseating splatterfests, and even a few that predate George A Romero. Grab some popcorn and board up the windows – these are the best zombie movies ever made. Recommended: 😱 The 100 best horror movies of all-time👹 The best monster movies of all-time🔪 The 31 best serial killer movies of all-time🤘 The 40 best cult movies of all-time

The 70 best romcoms of all time
Romcoms are cinema’s greatest guilty pleasure. Everyone talks about them in snickering tones, or pretends to only enjoy them ironically. But the truth is that everyone has at least one they can’t get enough of – that comfort film they turn on when no one else is around, like that ratty old sweater you refuse to throw away but would never wear in public. Really, though: what is there to feel guilty about? Although dismissed as ‘chick flicks’, romantic comedies are more relatable than just about any other category of film. Who hasn’t been in love, in one form or another? And honestly, what’s funnier than the things humans do while under love’s spell? But the best romcoms don’t have to be merely silly, even if many of them are. Some plumb the complexities of the human heart. Some are dark and cynical, others are light and airy, or borderline fantastical. As someone once said, love is a many-splendored thing. So let us count the ways, with this list of the greatest romcoms of all time. Written by Dave Calhoun, Cath Clarke, Tom Huddleston, Kate Lloyd, Andy Kryza, Phil de Semlyen, Alim Kheraj & Matthew Singer Recommended: 😍 The 100 best romantic films of all-time🤣 The 100 best comedy movies😳 The 101 best sex scenes of all time🔥 The 100 best movies of all-time

The 50 best gay songs to celebrate Pride all year long
Thirty days of summer is a pretty paltry window of time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, and Pride is so much more than a month of parades and celebrations – it’s life. And while we’d never baulk at an excuse to celebrate everything that Pride stands for, we also believe that any time is the perfect time to crank up these gay songs and fly that rainbow flag. That’s why we’ve assembled a 50-song playlist perfectly calibrated for Pride Month and beyond, featuring some of history’s greatest queer artists and LGBTQ+ allies who pay more than lip service. You’ll find party anthems, pop songs, disco infernos and punk-rock proclamations, so there’s no need to wait for the parade. This is your all-seasons, all-time-great Pride playlist. Grab the aux cable and blast it loud and proud. Listen to these songs on Amazon Music RECOMMENDED:🎤The best karaoke songs🍻The best drinking songs🎉The best party songs🎶The best ’80s songs💖The best pop songs

The 50 best comic book movies of all time
Over the last decade or so, comic book movies have ruled the box office. At times, they’ve seemed like the only movies out there. That’s proven to be a double-edged sword: while the dominance of both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe has made a lot of money for Hollywood mega-studios, the oversaturation finally appears to have exhausted audiences, given several recent flops like Madame Web, The Flash and The Blue Beetle. But when done right, the genre ranks among the most spectacular forms of escapist entertainment that exists. Some deal with complex, real-world issues and emotions, and never actually engage with superhero mythology at all. Others use superheroes to explore the problems that plague modern society, or deconstruct the idea of heroism itself. Here are 50 of the best examples, as selected by Time Out writers – with an assist from a guy who has made a few great comic adaptations himself, director Edgar Wright. Written by Tom Huddleston, Adam Lee Davies, Paul Fairclough, David Jenkins, Andy P. Kryza, Phil de Semlyen, Alim Kheraj & Matthew Singer Recommended: 🦸 All the Marvel movies ranked from worst to best🦄 The 50 best fantasy movies of all-time💣 The best action movies of all-time✍ The 100 best animated movies of all-time

The 100 best comedy movies: the funniest films of all time
Comedy has a shorter shelf life than just about any other movie genre. A classic drama will still make hearts swell and eyes water decades down the line, and a truly terrifying horror movie can still scare the bejesus out of viewers no matter how standards for scares change. But humour is highly subjective and dependent on context: what’s funny in 1924 might land with a thud in 2024. That’s why, when considering the greatest comedy movies of all-time, one of the most important questions is not necessarily how big the laughs are, but how long they can keep audiences laughing. With the help of comedians like Diane Morgan and Russell Howard, actors such as John Boyega and Jodie Whittaker and a small army of Time Out writers, we believe we’ve found the 100 finest, most durable and most broadly appreciable comedies in history. As we said, hilarity is in the gut of the beholder – some like it, silly, others sophisticated or dark or surreal – but if you don’t find something funny on this list, you may want to check your pulse. Recommended: 🔥 The 100 best movies of all-time🥰 The greatest romantic comedies of all time😬 The best thriller films of all-time🌏 The best foreign films of all-time

The 30 best space movies
We know what you’re thinking: what’s the difference between science fiction and a ‘space movie’? Simply put, while most films that take place in outer space may be sci-fi, not all sci-fi movies involve space. But maybe the more pertinent question is, why make the distinction at all? In our estimation, it’s because the concept of the universe beyond the relative speck we call home has fascinated filmmakers since the dawn of cinema. It’s not hard to understand why. After all, who among us hasn’t gazed up at the stars at wonder at least once or twice? For artists in particular, though, the infinite vastness of space is essentially a blank canvas on which to ponder all sorts of big ideas: whether it’s mankind’s place in the void, the human desire for exploration, or the simple fear of the ultimate unknown. And so, that is why we believe the ‘space movie’ deserves to be considered its own genre. Here are our picks for the 30 best movies that travel to infinity… and in many cases, beyond. Recommended: 👽 The 100 best science fiction movies of all-time😬 The 100 best thriller films of all-time💣 The 101 best action movies ever made🦄 The 50 best fantasy movies of all-time

The 44 best Netflix original series to binge
Every time you think you’re finally ready to cancel your Netflix subscription, they pull you back in – and it’s usually not an exclusive Adam Sandler or Lindsay Lohan movie that does it (although maybe sometimes). Most of the time, it’s because of a must-binge new series. Original episodic programming has been the streamer’s calling card ever since it stopped being the DVD rent-to-mail service and went entirely online. It changed the game with House of Cards in 2013 and has continually elevated it since, with the likes of Stranger Things and Russian Doll and the world-dominating Squid Game. Sure, there have been some creatively fallow periods, but then it always seems to bounce back with sometime leftfield, like Beef or One Day. Since it’s continually adding hours of essential content to its catalogue, there’s more high-quality content than you possibly have time for. That’s we’ve put together a list of the 41 Netflix originals series you absolutely have to see before finally deleting your account – and of course, once you think you’ve exhausted all your options, something else will get added just as you’re about to press ‘cancel’. And before you get all upset about the absence of Black Mirror or Cobra Kai, we’ve left out shows that originated elsewhere before the platform picked them up. We’re also sticking to scripted series – sorry Tiger King and the countless other true-crime docs. That’s a list for another time. Recommended: 🎥 The 35 best movies on Netflix right now🔥

The 30 best movies on Netflix UK right now
Netflix has had its ups and downs in recent years, but subscription numbers show it’s still the king of the streamers, in America and the UK. It’s not just brand recognition, either: the platform has seriously picked up its film output, with everyone from Martin Scorsese to Rian Johnson producing original content for the studio. But at this point, everyone knows the deal with Netflix: while there are large, gleaming gems in its collection, they’re often obscured by piles of lineup-filling dross. So let’s help you dig out the quality watches. Here are the 30 best movies currently available on the platform. Recommended: 😬 The 20 best thriller movies on Netflix💻 The 40 best Netflix original series to binge👽 The best sci-fi shows streaming on Netflix

The 50 best drinking songs
If you’re anything like us, most often when you’re dancing, you’re also drinking. So hey, it’s no surprise that a large number of tunes out there are about doing just that – booze! And we’ve rounded up the best of the boozy best, right here, from Rihanna to Chumbawumba (you know the one we mean). So fill up that cup and wack on this playlist: it’s time to dance. Here are the best songs about drinking to wet the whistle. RECOMMENDED:🎉 The best party songs🎤 The best karaoke songs🕺 The best pop songs of all time😃 The best happy songs🍆 The best sexy songs Written by Michael Chen, Brent DiCrescenzo, Sophie Harris, Oliver Keens, Andy Kryza, Hank Shteamer, Kate Wertheimer, Zach Long, Matthew Singer, Leonie Cooper and Camille Bavera.

The 19 best songs about family
When the legendary poet of our time Vin Diesel, dropped the timeless quote ‘family,’ it hit home for us all. But what does family really mean? Sure, you can Google the textbook definition, but we all know it’s about more than just sharing DNA. It’s about those folks who stick with you when life gets rough, offering a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, they help you save the world from Charlize Theron. So let’s celebrate it, eh? With this sentiment in mind, here are the best songs about family ever written, from Sister Sledge to Kanye. After all, we are family. RECOMMENDED: 📻 The best '80s songs🎧 The best disney songs💸 The best songs about money❤️🔥 The best R&B love songs🏃♀️ The best running songs

The 33 best running songs
As a wise man once said, ‘She’s a runner, she’s a track star.’ But are you? If the answer is a resounding yes, you’re in luck: we’ve found the very best running songs to keep you going mile after mile in the gym or on the hiking trail. These tracks are ideal for running, whether it’s for cardio or simply fleeing your responsibilities. Regardless of what’s driving you to pound the pavement, a propulsive playlist is a must. From thumping hip-hop beats to high-energy guitar jams (and even a little tough love from Britney), we got it all. So lace up your shoes, crank up the volume, and let these tunes be the soundtrack to your next run. Written by Sara Fay, Kate Wertheimer, Andy Kryza, Andrew Frisciano, Brent DiCrescenzo and Sophie Harris. Listen to these songs on Amazon Music RECOMMENDED: 📻 The best '80s songs🎧 The best disney songs💸 The best songs about money❤️🔥 The best R&B love songs📼 The best ’90s songs

As 100 melhores comédias: os filmes mais hilariantes do cinema
A comédia é um género frequentemente ignorado pelos prémios e pela crítica. Mas produzir uma grande comédia, uma comédia intemporal, é uma das maiores conquistas no cinema. É uma forma de arte em grande parte dependente do contexto: aquilo que faz uma plateia chorar a rir em 2024 pode ser recebido mais tarde com olhares vazios – nem sequer é preciso passar meio século, como é muitas vezes o caso; bastam alguns anos de diferença. Por isso mesmo, aqueles que nos fizeram rir durante décadas são verdadeiramente especiais. Para elaborar esta lista das 100 maiores comédias de sempre, pedimos a comediantes como Diane Morgan e Russell Howard, a actores como John Boyega e Jodie Whittaker e a uma pequena legião de escritores da Time Out sobre os filmes que mais os fazem rir, e por mais tempo. Ao fazê-lo, acreditamos ter encontrado as melhores, mais intemporais e amplamente apreciáveis 100 comédias da história do cinema. Independentemente do seu sentido de humor – disparatado ou sofisticado, leve ou sombrio, surreal ou mais abrangente – vai encontrá-lo representado aqui. Recomendado:🔥 Os 100 melhores filmes de sempre🥰 As melhores comédias românticas de sempre
News (155)

From Bambi to Buffalo Bill: filmmakers share their scarring cinema experiences
Were you scared witless when the T-Rex made his first appearance in Jurassic Park? Candyman director Nia DaCosta was right there with you. Did Michael Rooker’s definitive portrait of a killer stick with you at the end of Henry? It also haunted Luca Guadagnino and that man turned a body into a bramble of crushed bones in Suspiria. The cinema is a place of vulnerability, and great horror films burrow under everyone’s skin, including the coolest filmmakers in the world. From horror maestros to arthouse auteurs, we asked the honorees of our coolest filmmakers list what cinematic moment scared them most. And they delivered: Cinematic minds such as The Witch’s Robert Eggers and The Babadook mastermind Jennifer Kent told us what gave them nightmares while they were doing the same to us, while Rian Johnson, Edgar Wright, Lynne Ramsay, Sean Baker and others told us what chilled them to the bone. You’ll find serial killers and classic slashers. But you’ll also find more than one Disney film, too. Don’t worry, you're in a safe space here. Read on: The 50 coolest filmmakers in the world right now Photograph: StudioCanalIrréversible Irréversible – picked by Robert Eggers (The Witch) ‘Gaspar Noé’s Irreversible, Gerald Kargl’s Angst, Michael Haneke’s Piano Teacher and Bruno Dumont’s Twentynine Palms all left me pretty shaken after my first viewing.’’ Photograph: DisneySnow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – picked by Tomm Moore (The Secr

Everything we know about Marvel's bonkers-looking 'Loki' series
It's been nearly two years since the last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, Spider-Man: Far From Home, hit theaters. But as fans anxiously await the July 9 debut of the long-delayed Black Widow, Disney+ has kept the superhero train going with its comic-focused series. And next week, fans will get a big infusion of MCU hijinks with the debut of Loki. The six-episode series sees Tom Hiddleston reclaim the ornate headpiece of fan-favorite anti-hero Loki, a role he's inhabited for more than 10 years. The show looks bonkers, featuring alien worlds, time travel and an abundance of charmingly sinister banter from Hiddleston. But what exactly is this show about, and how will it affect the future — and the past — of Marvel's master plan? Here's what we know going in. First things first, when does Loki debut? Loki debuts Wednesday, June 9 on Disney+. It runs six episodes, with one episode dropping each week through July 14. Ok, so what exactly is this show about? The show will follow Hiddleston’s Asgardian God of Mischief and frequent bad guy Loki as he falls in with the Time Variance Authority (TVA), a clandestine interstellar bureaucracy tasked with ensuring that the very fabric of space and time isn’t torn apart by heroes and villains’ tendency to jump back and forth in time. From the looks of the trailers, it appears that Loki’s time-hopping shenanigans (more on those in a moment) has led him to cause a rift across multiple timelines and dimensions. Working with Owen

‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ – everything we know so far
After a two-year break, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has roared back to life, dominating Disney+ with an onslaught of hit shows, storming multiplexes with Black Widow and Shang-Chi, and hijacking the internet discourse with fan theories about the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home. Yet amid all the hype of Marvel’s Phase 4, the biggest questions hover around the hotly anticipated Black Panther 2. The Marvel blockbuster factory has completely changed the cinematic landscape since Iron Man debuted in 2008, but none became a bona fide cultural phenomenon quite like director Ryan Coogler’s Black Panther. The afrofuturist tale of noble warrior king T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) and the technologically advanced hermit nation of Wakanda wasn’t just a $1.3-billion hit, it was a zeitgeist-seizing moment for blockbuster cinema, leading to a Best Picture Oscar nomination and three Academy Awards. Its focus on strong Black characters – including Marvel’s best villain in the form of Michael B. Jordan – made it the kind of tectonic paradigm-shifter that only comes every decade or so in blockbuster cinema. A follow-up was inevitable, but things became infinitely more complicated with the unexpected death of series star Chadwick Boseman, who succumbed to colon cancer in August 2020. Marvel kept quiet about the future of the franchise as fans mourned. Here’s everything we know about Black Panther 2 so far. Image: Marvel Studios When is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’s release date? Black P

‘House of the Dragon’: Here’s everything we know about the ‘Game of Thrones’ prequel
For the past two years, fans of prestige TV have been forced to spend their Sundays without the familiar comforts of torture, dismemberment, incest, dragons and deception. But soon, their hunger will be sated: In 2022, nearly three years after Game of Thrones aired its extremely divisive finale, the franchise will come roaring back with House of the Dragon. HBO’s latest George RR Martin adaptation has fans salivating for more of what they loved about high fantasy’s most gloriously smutty big-budget hit. But will the first of six GoT spinoff series fulfill the prophecy of rekindling fans' goodwill after Game of Thrones whiffed its big finish? Here’s everything we know so far. When will House of the Dragon be released? The show’s release date has yet to be confirmed, though HBO has officially announced House of the Dragon is coming in 2022. The production, which is still underway, was previously shut down due to Covid, and the pandemic’s continued presence could be a reason for the network’s hesitancy in announcing an official date. That puts House of the Dragon in a race to air with Amazon’s swords-and-serpents tentpole, Lord of the Rings, which is set to debut in September 2022. Both come pre-loaded with huge fan bases, and both share common elements such as dragons, golden wigs, broadswords and glowering. It’s a safe bet that House of the Dragon, however, will trounce LOTR when it comes to nudity: The Tolkien adaptation drew controversy when it announced it would include

An internet hero is Photoshopping Paddington Bear into a different movie every day
We’re still a long way out from Paddington 3, but that fluffy paragon of kindness and decency from darkest Peru is never far from our thoughts. Paddington eternal because he is in the hearts of all who let him in. Similarly, he is in the feeds of all who tweet. He’s here to bring you daily joy if you just hit ‘follow.’ Some days, he’s romping in a meadow or scampering through a swamp. Others, he’s taking a stroll through the big city. Still others, he’s lurking behind a cloud of steam, staring blankly as an unsuspecting person in a hotel shower. I Photoshop Paddington into another movie until I forget: Day 224 pic.twitter.com/M9cKEXTg97 — Jaythechou (@jaythechou) October 19, 2021 No, this is not the official Paddinton Twitter, which delightfully traffics in daily affirmations and niceties without the leering voyeurism and threat of violence. We’re talking about the Twitter account @jaythechou, run by a graphic artist who has sworn to Photoshop Paddington into a different movie every day ‘until I forget.’ So far, the artist has amassed more than 230 different expert-level Photoshops, drawing 108,000 followers to images of the peacoat-sporting bear dropped into the action of Shang-Chi and Black Widow, placed him alongside Shrek and Donkey and even had him ride shotgun (and likely take some PCP) with Denzel in Training Day. The account very directly recalls the Creepy Paddington memes of 2014, which inserted the bear into multiple horror films. We now know what tho

Everything we know about Doctor Strange’s trip to the ‘Multiverse of Madness’
Marvel’s so-called Phase 4 has been pretty straightforward so far, which we fully understand is a ridiculous thing to say considering the most recent film in the 26-and-counting series is a millennia-spanning saga of demigods directed by Nomadland Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao. Yet the post-Endgame era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been relatively grounded: both Black Widow and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings kept the franchise’s shenanigans earthbound, while Eternals’s more cosmic inclinations were relatively blasé. That’s about to change. December’s Spider Man: No Way Home is poised to rip the fabric of space, time and corporate synergy asunder by bringing back long-dead villains from previous generations of Spideydom. Thor: Love and Thunder will no-doubt continue goofball auteur Taika Waititi’s quest to transform the God of Thunder into a live-action Heavy Metal riff. And sandwiched between the two is what could be the most mind-bending, colourful and downright surreal offering yet: The long-awaited Doctor Strange sequel, In the Multiverse of Madness. The film marks Benedict Cumberbatch’s first top-line Marvel outing since the hero’s 2016 origin story. And it could just prise open the MCU’s blast doors for a universe-shattering series of events that could ripple throughout the MCU. Here’s everything we know so far about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Photograph: Marvel Studios When will Doctor Strange 2 be released? In the Multiverse of Madnes

Get ready for an extra-dark knight courtesy of Robert Pattinson’s ‘The Batman’
It’s been four years since the big screen was graced by Batman (no, the Snyder Cut doesn’t count). That’s an eternity for fans of the world’s most famous vigilante, who have been spoiled with 11 very different films since Tim Burton’s 1989 blockbuster ushered in modern superhero cinema. Now, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: Warner Bros is set to release the latest Caped Crusader adventure in early 2022. ‘Light’ is a bit misleading. Anyone still bemoaning the dark-and-gritty reinvention of superhero cinema following Christopher Nolan’s game-changing Dark Knight trilogy take heed: The upcoming reboot, titled The Batman, looks to make Nolan’s Gotham City look like Sesame Street. Newly minted Bruce Wayne Robert Pattinson will navigate a noir-tinged, rain-soaked city where gangs of deranged clowns stalk the shadows, gangsters run amok and serial killers taunt the police with trails of carnage. This is a place where light seems too scared to shine. Adam West this isn’t. Here's everything we know about the hugely anticipated The Batman. When does The Batman come out? After years in development, a long shoot in the UK and multiple Covid-related delays – including a diagnosis for Pattinson himself – The Batman is set to be released on March 4, 2022. Read our review of the film here. What is the runtime of The Batman? Eagle-eyed fans spotted the IMAX Melbourne website listing its runtime as 176 minutes. If that’s accurate, and there is no reason for an IMAX to lie to us,

Everything we know about Amazon’s massive ‘Lord of the Rings’ series
It’s been 18 long years since Peter Jackson wrapped his beloved Lord of the Rings trilogy (and seven relief-filled years since he put his other trilogy to sleep). Now, after a prolonged period of Hobbitlessness, fans will finally return to Middle-earth courtesy of Amazon, whose own Dark Lord has emerged with a benevolent gift for us mortals in the form of a LOTR series based on JRR Tolkien's extended mythology. It comes with the slightly clunky name The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and it is going to be huge. Even with a teaser trailer out, the show remains shrouded in mystery, with media reports generally focused on the Smaug-sized price tag ($250 million for the rights, $465+ million for production). But with filming wrapped and a release date cresting the horizon of 2022, some details have emerged. Here’s what we know so far. What is the release date? The series will debut on Amazon Prime on September 2, 2022, and will span eight weekly episodes. Has a trailer been released? Alongside the name reveal in January 2022, a teaser trailer was launched over Superbowl weekend (another event in which the winners get rings). It showcases some swooping Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings-esque shots over the Middle-earth landscapes, as well as the more CGI-heavy effects shots of his Hobbit movies. Front and centre is Morfydd Clark as the young Galadriel. What is the series about? For those who don’t know their Silmarillions from their Sarumans, Amazon’s series will tak

Wait, is ‘Die Hard’ a remake of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life?’
Questioning whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie (it is) has become the holiday version of ‘is a hot dog a sandwich?’ (it’s not).The debate has transitioned from Christmas dinner banter to the go-to blather of pub-bores everywhere. When something’s a ‘hot topic’ for three decades, it goes colder than yesterday’s hot chocolate. The debate is over. Time to discuss the yuletide merits of The Last Boy Scout. However, last year Die Hard director John McTiernan finally weighed in on the topic, and in doing so threw a fresh log on the fire by saying that Die Hard’s tone was informed by Frank Capra’s beloved holiday fable It’s a Wonderful Life. ‘Specifically, the Pottersville sequence,’ McTiernan told the American Film Institute. ‘Which is what happens when the evil banker gets to do what he wants in the community without George getting in the way to stop it. And it’s the clearest demonstration and criticism of runaway, unregulated cowboy capitalism that’s ever been done in an American movie.’ McTiernan’s comments struck a particular nerve in this writer because I’ve been saying this for years: Not only is Die Hard a Christmas movie, but it’s actually a stealth retelling of It’s a Wonderful Life. Just as Scrooged retold A Christmas Carol through the lens of ‘80s corporate television, Die Hard is basically Capra’s story filtered through an ‘80s action-movie fantasia. Here is irrefutable proof. Photograph: 20th Century Studios John McClane is basically George Bailey with bloody f

Cinema’s funniest scenes – as picked by its coolest filmmakers
Discovering that your favourite ‘serious’ filmmaker enjoys a good chuckle – even a lowbrow one – can be a shock: It’s like catching your wine-loving cousin shotgunning a Budweiser. Not only is finding out that Christopher Nolan is a huge MacGruber fan and Terrence Malick quotes Zoolander for fun, it makes us realise that maybe our guilty-pleasure comedy flicks aren’t so guilty after all. With that in mind, we prodded our picks for the coolest filmmakers on the planet for their favourite comedic moments across cinema history. Among them were comedically inclined auteurs like Ruben Östlund, Cathy Yan and Edgar Wright, sure, but also more serious-minded artists like Barry Jenkins, Julia Ducournau, Denis Villeneuve, Paul Thomas Anderson and Lynne Ramsay. They shot back with a decades- and genre-spanning array of laugh-out-loud moments. We also discovered that Michael ‘Amour’ Haneke really, really loves hearing Steve Martin do a silly accent. Comedy, truly, is the great uniter. Read on: The 50 coolest filmmakers in the world right now The voice coaching scene in The Pink Panther (2006) – picked by Ruben Östlund ‘I had dinner with Michael Haneke in Vienna once and it all ended up with me showing him this scene on my mobile phone. It didn’t really pay off and everything became quite embarrassing. I guess it says something about how much I like this scene.’ ‘Taxi!’ in Tootsie - picked by Céline Sciamma

Here’s everything we know about ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ so far
It may not feel like it, but it will be only a little over two years between the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home and its immediate predecessor, Far From Home. Sure, a lot has gone down in the intervening time, but maybe a bit of a pause was what the webslinger needed. However beloved a character is, zeal levels are going to be tough to maintain when they’ve been on the big screen ten times in the space of 20 years (excluding the six super-sparky versions in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse). Yet now, nearly a month from the release of No Way Home, Spidey discourse is dominating the internet once again. And with a second trailer fueling fan theories about what’s to come in the next, excitement has reached a fever pitch. Here’s everything we know – or at least we think we know – about Spider-Man: No Way Home When is Spider-Man: No Way Home in cinemas? Frothy, fun and crammed to the gills with big-screen spectacle, Spider-Man movies tend to be the very definition of a summer blockbuster. This one, perhaps fittingly in a messed-up year, gets a rare spin in time for Christmas: it’s out on December 17 in the US and UK. Is there a Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer? Two, in fact. The second hit the internet on November 16 after a seemingly endless period of anticipation, with some sites speculating that the delay was the result of Sony and Marvel – who are the co-conservators to cinematic Spidey (more on that in a moment) – sparring over what could and couldn’t be shown in the previ

‘Squid Game’ season 2 gets a green light: Here’s what to expect
Like a down-on-his luck schlub being yanked toward a ledge, Netflix has taken the inevitable plunge: Squid Game – the global smash that became Netflix’s biggest hit of all time – is getting a second season, according to creator Hwang Dong-hyuk. ‘There's been so much pressure, so much demand and so much love for a second season… I almost feel like you leave us no choice!’ Hwang told the Associated Press. ‘There will indeed be a second season. It's in my head right now. I'm in the planning process currently. But I do think it's too early to say when and how it's going to happen.’ At this point, very little is known about the future of Squid Game. Hwang himself seems surprised by the success of his dystopian passion project. But season 1 left a tonne of plot threads dangling like so many Tug-of-War players suspended over a chasm. Here are the biggest questions we have in advance of Squid Game season 2, plus some theories about where the show could go next. MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR SQUID GAME FOLLOW… you’ve been warned. Photograph: Noh Juhan, courtesy of NetflixGganbus for life What will happen to Squid Game protagonist Gi-Hun? At the beginning of Squid Game, 456 hardscrabble characters are whisked off to a mysterious island and pitted against one another in a series of deadly playground games, beginning with a rousing round/massacre of Red Light, Green Light. By the end of the games, only one player still stood: Indebted gambler, deadbeat dad and kindhearted soul Seong Gi-Hun (