Journaliste et auteur de guide, Antoine Besse arpente Paris dans tous les sens depuis le siècle dernier. Il a écumé incognito, une moustache par-dessus sa barbe, les zincs et les dancefloors, les tables et les arrière-cuisines, les palaces et les squats de la Capitale pour le Parisien, Gallimard, Parigramme, Le Fooding, Time Out... Ses sujets de prédilections ?  Les lieux décalés, les pépites cachées et les passionnés échevelés.

Il a rejoint la rédaction de Time Out Paris en 2022 d’où il scrute avec l’attention d’un apprenti saucier, l’ébullition des bars et les restaurants de la ville. Autant dire Il n’a pas fini de recevoir des messages de ses potes « Antoine, on doit aller manger où ? »

Antoine Besse

Antoine Besse

Responsable des rubriques restaurants et bars

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Articles (53)

Les meilleurs restaurants de fruits de mer et poissons Ă  Paris

Les meilleurs restaurants de fruits de mer et poissons Ă  Paris

En attendant que la calotte du Groenland ne fonde complĂštement et ne fasse monter les eaux de plusieurs mĂštres, Paris se trouve encore loin du bord de mer. Pas grave, la capitale a toujours su faire venir les meilleurs fruits de mer et les poissons les plus frais, accompagnĂ©s d’ingrĂ©dients ultra-fins, Ă  dĂ©guster bruts dans une cambuse ou travaillĂ©s par les meilleur(e)s dans des adresses Ă  nappe blanche. Enfilez votre mariniĂšre, on part en croisiĂšre pour Ă©cumer les meilleures adresses oĂč savourer coquillages, poiscaille et crustacĂ©s.

Les meilleurs restaurants japonais de Paris

Les meilleurs restaurants japonais de Paris

En quelques annĂ©es, l’offre de la cuisine japonaise s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e comme le tour de taille d’un Ă©lĂšve sumo. Des sushis bien sĂ»r, mais aussi des ramens fumants, des gyozas, du poulet karaage, des bentos nappĂ©s de tonkatsu, des menus omakase
 Jamais les Ă©changes culinaires entre la France et le Japon n’ont Ă©tĂ© aussi intenses ! Il y en a pour tous les budgets : de l’adresse de rupin jusqu’à la pause dĂ©j pour salaryman pressĂ©, dĂ©couvrez notre guide ultime des meilleurs restaurants japonais de Paris mettant Ă  l'honneur tous les visages de cette gastronomie singuliĂšre et dĂ©licate. Et comme on dit lĂ -bas : Itadakimasu ! (Bon appĂ©tit !) Pour encore plus de bons plans, inscrivez-vous Ă  la newsletter de Time Out Paris.

Les meilleurs sushis et makis de Paris

Les meilleurs sushis et makis de Paris

Peu de spĂ©cialitĂ©s ont connu une telle explosion de popularitĂ©. En trente ans, le nombre de restaurants proposant des sushis Ă  la carte a explosĂ©. La France est mĂȘme devenue le plus grand consommateur de sushis d’Europe ! DĂ©sormais, on trouve sushis et makis sous plastique au supermarchĂ©, dans des adresses qui font aussi pizzas et burgers. Fatalement, des restaurateurs opportunistes s’improvisent shokunin et proposent des nigiri flasques oĂč un mince film de poisson recouvre Ă  peine une boule de billard de riz froid. Le sushi, un plat de luxe Au Japon, le sushi, inventĂ© au XIXe siĂšcle mais dĂ©rivĂ© d’une technique asiatique ancestrale, est un mets sophistiquĂ© oĂč la technique du cuisinier, acquise aprĂšs des annĂ©es d’apprentissage, ne sert qu’à magnifier la qualitĂ© du produit. Alors, oĂč manger les meilleurs sushis et makis de Paris ? Nous vous proposons nos adresses les plus authentiques de la ville, oĂč la fraĂźcheur et la qualitĂ© du poisson ou des fruits de mer ne font aucun doute, mais aussi oĂč le riz est servi Ă  la bonne tempĂ©rature et oĂč la dĂ©coupe est d’une prĂ©cision chirurgicale. Attention, tout cela a un prix : un bon restaurant de sushis n’est jamais bon marchĂ© !

The 18 best cheap eats in Paris

The 18 best cheap eats in Paris

The food in Paris is out of this world, but it can weigh heavily on your wallet. The city has something like 120 Michelin-starred restaurants (putting it only second to having the highest number in the world), and if you grab a snack in the wrong spot you could be looking at accidentally spending €20 on a sandwich and a drink.  But hey, even in a bougie city like Paris, there’s always going to be something affordable hiding round the corner – you just have to know where to look. Lucky, the team at Time Out Paris know their stuff, and have spent years scouring the city for its best affordable snacks, testing everything from bibimpap to ramen and €15 lunch deals. We know, it’s a hard life. Without further ado, here are the best cheap eats in Paris right now.    RECOMMENDED:đŸ„˜ The best restaurants in Paris🎹 The best things to do in Parisâ›” The best day trips from Paris🏡 The best Airbnbs in Paris Antoine Besse is the food and drink editor at Time Out Paris. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

Les meilleurs rooftops de Paris

Les meilleurs rooftops de Paris

Avec une densitĂ© de population digne de Bombay et une dĂ©pendance gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e aux stories Insta qui claquent, coloniser les toits de Paris pour y siroter des verres avec vue reste hautement hype. Une tendance qu’on pourrait dater de 2013 avec l’arrivĂ©e du premier Perchoir, mĂȘme si des palaces parisiens comme le RaphaĂ«l proposaient un rooftop depuis bien plus longtemps (et Le Corbusier l’avait anticipĂ© dĂšs 1947 !). S’élever – littĂ©ralement – au-dessus de la circulation, profiter de terrasses exclusives, s’offrir un panorama sur les toits en zinc (mĂȘme sans bĂątiment VIP au premier plan) : autant d’arguments qui n’ont pas fini d’attirer les foules. Pour vous y retrouver, voici donc notre sĂ©lection des meilleurs rooftops de Paris, ceux qui Ă©quilibrent coolitude du paysage, altitude de l’ambiance et qualitĂ© des cocktails. Ne reste qu’à vous souhaiter une bonne montĂ©e !

The 23 best clubs in Paris

The 23 best clubs in Paris

Paris’s clubbing scene hasn’t always had the best reputation, and ten years ago, early curfews and strict sound controls near killed it off completely. But thankfully, its hardcore party-goers refused to give up, and in 2024, Paris’s nightlife scene is looking better than ever. Now, some of the French capital’s clubs rival the likes of Berlin and Budapest, from repurposed floating pĂ©niches to giant disused warehouses extra-muros. Parties carry on into the early hours, and you’ll get great cocktails, good music and majestic views that you’ll be shouting about for years to come. Here are our picks of the best clubs in Paris.  RECOMMENDED:đŸ„˜ The best restaurants in Paris🎹 The best things to do in Parisâ›” The best day trips from Paris🏡 The best Airbnbs in Paris This guide is by the editorial team at Time Out Paris. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

The 30 best bars in Paris right now

The 30 best bars in Paris right now

We all know Paris has a decent rep when it comes to food. You might even say it’s Europe’s gastronomic capital – just walk down any road off the Place de la Bastille and that should become quite clear.  But you’re probably also aware that this is one of the coolest places to drink in the world too. That’s thanks to the dozens of speciality wine bars, craft beer dens and cocktail temples, everywhere from Pigalle to Strasbourg Saint-Denis. From expert mixologists to the best oenologists around, here are the best bars in the city worth your dough. Thank us later.  RECOMMENDED:đŸŠȘ The best restaurants in Paris🎹 The best things to do in Paris🏡 The best Airbnbs in ParisđŸ© The best hotels in Paris Antoine Besse is the food and drink editor at Time Out Paris. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 

The 40 best restaurants in Paris right now

The 40 best restaurants in Paris right now

Sure, you’re in Paris to go to the LouvrĂ©, climb the Eiffel Tower and get a selfie outside La Maison Rose, but let’s be honest, you’re also here to eat. And eat you will. This vast city has every kind of restaurant imaginable (at every kind of price point), and with so much on offer, it can be hard to know your bistros from your brasseries – and have the faintest where to begin.  Well, luckily enough, the team over at Time Out Paris actually specialise in this sort of thing. They spend all day every day trying out food spots, and every year, they rank the best restaurants in the city. On our list, you’ll find seasonal tasting menus at Michelin-starred restaurants alongside proper jambon-beurre for less than €5. You’ll find French classics and the best döner kebab in the city. Whatever your tastes (and budget), here are the best restaurants in Paris right now.  RECOMMENDED:🎹 The best things to do in ParisđŸș The best museums in ParisđŸȘ© The best clubs in Paris🏡 The best Airbnbs in Paris This article was written by the editorial team at Time Out Paris. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

Les meilleurs clubs pour danser jusqu'Ă  l'Ă©puisement Ă  Paris

Les meilleurs clubs pour danser jusqu'Ă  l'Ă©puisement Ă  Paris

C’est avec la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation des lampadaires, au XIXe siĂšcle, que Paris s’est transformĂ©e en capitale de la fĂȘte. Tripot, resto, goguette, bal musette, dancing, discothĂšque, boĂźte de nuit, aujourd’hui club : autant de mots que d’époques pour dĂ©signer ces lieux oĂč l’on vient entrer en transe ensemble au fil des danses. Depuis les annĂ©es 70 et le disco, prĂ©curseur de toutes les dance music d’aujourd’hui, la piste est bĂątie autour de la figure magnĂ©tique du DJ, un culte relancĂ© dans les annĂ©es 2010 Ă  Paris par les Ă©vangĂ©listes de Concrete, qui a permis Ă  l’offre de la capitale de considĂ©rablement s’étoffer.Dans un panorama festif constituĂ© d’open airs forcĂ©ment saisonniers, de soirĂ©es Ă©phĂ©mĂšres et de lieux qui ferment parfois au bout de quelques mois (voire quelque semaines), on a dressĂ© la liste de nos clubs sĂ»rs, ceux sur lesquels vous pouvez compter toute l’annĂ©e ou presque, des lieux qui misent sur l'inclusivitĂ©, la diversitĂ© et la sĂ©curitĂ© pour toutes et tous. Un dossier qui entremĂȘle les dĂ©cors – friche, bĂ©ton, cave –, les styles – toutes les nuances des musiques Ă©lectroniques –, et les ambiances – hype, schlag, entre-deux. Une sĂ©lection garantie sans entrĂ©e gratuite pour les filles. Et pour dĂ©couvrir notre sĂ©lection des salles de concerts Ă  Paris, c'est par ici.

Les meilleures pĂątisseries oĂč se sucrer le bec Ă  Paris

Les meilleures pĂątisseries oĂč se sucrer le bec Ă  Paris

La chantilly de Vatel, les piĂšces montĂ©es de Marie-Antoine CarĂȘme, le savarin des frĂšres Julien, la pĂȘche melba d’Escoffier
 Soyons chauvins : la France fait partie de la crĂšme de la crĂšme pĂątissiĂšre depuis plusieurs siĂšcles. Et ça ne va pas changer de sitĂŽt vu la quantitĂ© de boulangeries et salons de thé prĂ©sents Ă  Paris. On vous a sĂ©lectionnĂ© nos artisans pĂątissiers prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s, celles et ceux qui respectent les saisons (pas de fraisier en dĂ©cembre !) et ne travaillent que des matiĂšres brutes. À cĂŽtĂ© des adresses des grands noms, des petits creusent leur sillon avec leurs particularitĂ©s, leurs influences (souvent nippones), leurs ingrĂ©dients Ă©tonnants. A vous les paris-brest, cookies, mochis, mont-blanc et autres religieuses pour une crise d'happy glycĂ©mie!

The 9 most romantic restaurants in Paris

The 9 most romantic restaurants in Paris

So you’re in Paris en couple. How original. There can be a lot of pressure to make an evening out in the City of Love especially romantic – and finding the perfect restaurant is particularly difficult in a city also famed for its cuisine. But don’t stress. We’ve tried and tested thousands of restaurants in our time, and also have a pretty good idea of what makes the ideal date spot. The two go hand in hand – duh. So from cosy casual spots to fine-dining blowouts, here’s our guide to the most romantic restaurants in Paris. RECOMMENDED:đŸ„˜ The best restaurants in Paris🎹 The best things to do in ParisđŸ„ The best patisseries in Paris🏹 The best hotels in Paris Antoine Besse is the food and drink editor Antoine Besse. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

The 18 best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Paris

The 18 best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Paris

Paris food might seem meaty (it is), but don’t panic – there’s tons here for vegetarians and vegans to get their teeth into. After all, even the biggest carnivores amongst us need a break when they’ve been devouring animals day in, day out.  Contrary to popular belief, Paris is actually home to a ton of great veggie spots, as well as non-veggie spots serving up marvellous veg-friendly menus. From Indian to Middle Eastern (and so much more), our pick of the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Paris have something for everyone. Read on, veg lovers.  RECOMMENDED:đŸŠȘ The best restaurants in Paris 🍰 The best patisseries in ParisđŸ· The best wine bars in Paris📍 The best things to do in Paris This article was written by the editorial team at Time Out Paris. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

Listings and reviews (2)

Le Clarence

Le Clarence

5 out of 5 stars

Fancy ceiling mouldings, plush armchairs, lustrous crystal chandeliers and classical paintings
  Le Clarence is an old-school Parisian mansion, revamped in 2015 to look like something from the extravagant era of Napoleon III. As you wander through the lavish salons, feel free to pretend you’re the Prince of Luxembourg. (Yep, he owns this place.) It’s in this impeccably OTT setting that Christophe PelĂ© – a true eccentric and culinary artiste – serves up his radical, free-spirited and fascinating dishes. A meal at Le Clarence is like going on a wild journey without leaving your seat: be prepared to spend a good three hours at the table, as you forget about the present day and toss aside any preconceptions about haute cuisine. From his kitchen, PelĂ© keeps French cooking traditions alive while dismantling the whole Michelin-starred scene – and he does it all without any pretentious theatrics. On my visit, a four-course lunch menu with plenty of side dishes (priced at €180) turned out to be a daredevil tightrope performance balancing land and sea, France and Asia. Along the way we encountered whole prawns in tempura, baby eels snuggling up with brain, grilled red mullet in a mĂ©nage Ă  trois with marrow and ginger, a yin-yang of veal sweetbread gyoza with ink and cuttlefish tartare, a poached oyster and a beef consommĂ©. But your meal could be completely different, because you won’t ever eat the same thing twice here – the chef improvises based on whatever comes in that morning. The

Miam Miam Cool

Miam Miam Cool

5 out of 5 stars

We’ve loved this Sichuan joint since it opened in 2018, and we’re happy to report that in 2023, it hasn’t lost its spark. Just a short bike ride away from the big department stores, it’s a cosy gem with light wood decor, striking murals, and three six-seater tables where you’re packed in with fellow lovers of legit Sichuan food. The best indicator of its quality is that the place is always abuzz with Mandarin conversation: it’s clearly a favourite with the Chinese community. The short menu features wheat noodle or rice vermicelli soups (at €10 to €13) packed with meat or dumplings and, of course, cranked up on the spice scale. You can tweak the heat from 0 to 3 ‘chillis’, but there’s no need to go crazy: even level 1 packs a punch. The beef version really lights up the old taste buds, with noodles swimming in a not-too-oily broth (a contrast to other places that mask stodgy meals with loads of chilli). We’d also recommend digging into a plate of dumplings with a smooth filling and an explosive secret pepper-and-chilli sauce. Your nose will run. Your eyes will water. But boy, is it worth it.