Articles (3)

The 100 best comedy movies: the funniest films of all time
Comedy has a shorter shelf life than just about any other movie genre. A classic drama will still make hearts swell and eyes water decades down the line, and a truly terrifying horror movie can still scare the bejesus out of viewers no matter how standards for scares change. But humour is highly subjective and dependent on context: whatâs funny in 1924 might land with a thud in 2024. Thatâs why, when considering the greatest comedy movies of all-time, one of the most important questions is not necessarily how big the laughs are, but how long they can keep audiences laughing. With the help of comedians like Diane Morgan and Russell Howard, actors such as John Boyega and Jodie Whittaker and a small army of Time Out writers, we believe weâve found the 100 finest, most durable and most broadly appreciable comedies in history. As we said, hilarity is in the gut of the beholder â some like it, silly, others sophisticated or dark or surreal â but if you donât find something funny on this list, you may want to check your pulse. Recommended: đ„ The 100 best movies of all-timeđ„° The greatest romantic comedies of all timeđŹ The best thriller films of all-timeđ The best foreign films of all-time

As 100 melhores comédias: os filmes mais hilariantes do cinema
A comĂ©dia Ă© um gĂ©nero frequentemente ignorado pelos prĂ©mios e pela crĂtica. Mas produzir uma grande comĂ©dia, uma comĂ©dia intemporal, Ă© uma das maiores conquistas no cinema. Ă uma forma de arte em grande parte dependente do contexto: aquilo que faz uma plateia chorar a rir em 2024 pode ser recebido mais tarde com olhares vazios â nem sequer Ă© preciso passar meio sĂ©culo, como Ă© muitas vezes o caso; bastam alguns anos de diferença. Por isso mesmo, aqueles que nos fizeram rir durante dĂ©cadas sĂŁo verdadeiramente especiais. Para elaborar esta lista das 100 maiores comĂ©dias de sempre, pedimos a comediantes como Diane Morgan e Russell Howard, a actores como John Boyega e Jodie Whittaker e a uma pequena legiĂŁo de escritores da Time Out sobre os filmes que mais os fazem rir, e por mais tempo. Ao fazĂȘ-lo, acreditamos ter encontrado as melhores, mais intemporais e amplamente apreciĂĄveis 100 comĂ©dias da histĂłria do cinema. Independentemente do seu sentido de humor â disparatado ou sofisticado, leve ou sombrio, surreal ou mais abrangente â vai encontrĂĄ-lo representado aqui. Recomendado:đ„ Os 100 melhores filmes de sempređ„° As melhores comĂ©dias romĂąnticas de sempre

The 100 best comedy movies
The best comedies in the history of cinema achieve more than just making you laugh (although, granted, itâs not a great comedy if it barely makes you crack a smile). Classic romcoms like âNotting Hillâ have us yearning for true love while teen movies like âMean Girlsâ get us cringing at memories of being too dorky to join the cool gang at school (and â10 Things I Hate About Youâ ticks both boxes). Then there are the political satires, like âThe Death of Stalinâ, which serve up uncomfortable truths alongside the funnies. And finally, when we need to get into the festive spirit, the Christmas film archives are crammed with titles that leave you giggling into your eggnog. All of which makes choosing the 100 best comedies of all time a little tricky. To help us with the task, we enlisted the help of comedians (such as Russell Howard and Diane Morgan), actors (John Boyega and Jodie Whittaker, among others), directors and screenwriters (including Richard Curtis), as well as several Time Out writers. So the next time you need something to turn that frown upside down, youâll know where to start. RECOMMENDED: London and UK cinema listings, film reviews and exclusive interviews